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  • Room for one more!

    Clare & Phil Gephart
    Clare & Phil Gephart Rock Hill, South Carolina

    Greetings friends, family & supporters! We are not even sure where to start with this story, but we will start with this: We have been given a MATCHING GRANT! We are so thankful to announce we have received a matching […]

    $740 of $7,000
    25 days left
  • The Bashams are Adopting!

    Paul and Christina Basham
    Paul and Christina Basham Saint Louis, Missouri

    Dear Family and Friends-   We have exciting news…we’re adopting!    We’ve wanted to become parents since we were married in 2011. Christina has been interested in adoption since she was a teenager. When we got engaged and discussed desires […]

    $9,250 of $20,000
    25 days left
  • The Crow’s Nest

    RoChelle Crow Farmersville, Texas

    God is leading us to add a new Crow to our nest! We have officially started the adoption process again! We are Cameron, RoChelle, Kenlei, and Elisabeth Crow. We adopted our beautiful, compassionate Kenlei through Domestic Infant Adoption in 2020. At […]

    $19,149 of $30,000
    26 days left
  • The Thomas Family is Growing!

    Gwendolyn Thomas
    Gwendolyn Thomas Kansas City, Missouri

    We are excited to officially announce that the Thomas Family will be growing through adoption! Even before we began dating, Josh and I both sensed God’s leading to adopt in the future. As you can imagine, we are thrilled to […]

    $7,000 of $7,500
    38 days left
  • Hoerner Family Adoption

    Payton Hoerner Fayetteville, Georgia

    We are John and Payton Hoerner. We have been married for almost 5 years. Our desire to grow our family is strong and unifying in our marriage. We learned a few years into our marriage that John was diagnosed with […]

    $11,819 of $60,000
    41 days left
  • Aguiluz, Party of… 4!

    Ashley Aguiluz Virginia Beach, Virginia

    We’re adopting again! Many of you know our sweet daughter, Martinna, whom we brought home from the Philippines in November 2022. She’s now five years old and fills our lives with so much joy. While the process has been long […]

    $1,200 of $15,000
    41 days left
  • Vineyard Family Adoption Matching Grant

    Richard Vineyard Meridian, Texas

    Hi, we are Richie and Tammie and we are seeking to grow our family through adoption, again. We have been awarded a $4000 matching grant from the Karis Adoption Fund, administered by Lifesong for Orphans, which will bring us to […]

    $4,100 of $4,000
    41 days left
  • Our Adoption Story

    Katherine Chenault Pomona, Kansas

    We desired to have a family when we got married. We have struggled with infertility and after attempting to conceive and losing several children to miscarriage, we felt that the Lord was calling us to something different. We grieved the […]

    $0 of $15,000
    41 days left
  • The Theis adoption

    Anneke Theis River Hills, Wisconsin

    Almost three years ago, when we first met Asa and became a family of three, we also met 32 other kids that day who lived in the children’s home in Liberia where Asa was. Many of them had a family […]

    $0 of $7,000
    41 days left
  • Open Hands

    Joshua and Janae Hofer
    Joshua and Janae Hofer

    After your eyes are open to the reality of vulnerable families and situations, it’s hard to turn a blind eye. Before moving to Japan as missionaries, I (Janae) had been a licensed foster parent for 4 years, having placements as […]

    $24,903 of $38,000
    41 days left
  • Grimes Family Adoption

    Marissa Grimes Rockford, Michigan

    As many of you know, we have been trying to grow our family for several years. Those years have held seasons of grief, growth, uncertainty, and joy. Through our infertility journey and several losses, we have seen God’s goodness, and […]

    $900 of $7,000
    41 days left
  • Baby Huxlee

    Kandace Wimley
    Kandace Wimley Gallatin, Tennessee

    What a journey this has been!! We are a few short weeks, maybe days, away from meeting our sweet baby boy! We have been anxiously awaiting his arrival and are so blessed at how God has shown himself through this. […]

    $0 of $8,000
    41 days left