Hi Friends & Family!! We are honored to be supported through a matching grant from Lifesong for Orphans & Colonial Heights Baptist Church!! They will match all donations up to 6,000$. Wow, what a ministry.
As long as Kevin & I have been together, we have wanted children. Although we were unable to have biological babies, we believe God knows the hearts of his children, after all He adopted us!! Sweet Samuel came to us through the beautiful gift of adoption in 2020. Now we are trying to fundraise to help with the remaining fees for our adoption of Baby S2!!! We are approved & waiting to be matched with our Birth Momma & Daddy that God has for us but have a ways to go with funding.
Through our church families (thank you, Mt. Vernon) our family, community & friends praying for us constantly, we were able to complete the adoption for Sweet Sam. Hallelujah!!!!
Please pray for our family as we continue to follow Jesus and his plan for a Family of Four!
Thank you for reading our story! Please share! Love you guys!
STRIPE charges an online processing fee (2.2% +.30 USD per transaction)*. Your donations will be decreased by this amount. You may also send a check payable to “Lifesong for Orphans”. In the memo line please write “Spencer 10436”, to ensure it is credited to our account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 9, Gridley, IL 61744.
Lifesong has been blessed with partners who underwrite all U.S. administrative and fundraising costs (TMG Foundation and other partners). That means 100% of your donation will go directly to the adoption.
- In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to Lifesong for Orphans. This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor’s suggested use.
- Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Individual donations of $50 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $50 will gladly be sent upon request.
- *3.5% fee for donations given with an American Express card