The Landins’ Infant Adoption Journey

Alanna Landin
Alanna Landin Batavia, Illinois

Greetings from the Landin family!

We are on the journey toward adopting a baby within the U.S. It has been a long and beautiful path so far, and we wait with great expectation for the way that God will bring us to our child. Aimee and Jeremiah are just as excited as we are, praying often for our baby and including him or her in all our plans and dreams for the future.

Even before we started dating (18 years ago!), we were both open to adoption and dreamt about welcoming a child into our family this way. Alanna had a close friend from church whose family adopted a child from China, and she was touched by the beauty of adoption. Eric’s cousin adopted a child from Vietnam when he was a child and similarly saw what a blessing this was to their family. This longing sat latent as we were blessed with our two biological children and Eric completed seminary. Adoption became a live conversation again once our son was born. His delivery was medically challenging for Alanna, yet we wanted to continue to grow our family. We waited a few more years until we were settled in our home and our community in Batavia, and we’re finally ready now. 

As we have processed this together, we recognize that our desire to adopt is about more than growing our family. We believe in love that transcends biological ties and bloodlines. We want to bring that kind of love – a love that knows no boundaries – into this world and into our family life. In addition to welcoming a child, we are also willing to enter into a relationship with his or her birth family in an open adoption arrangement. In this way, we hope to extend the agape love of God to our child’s mother, father, and/or extended family.

Our family and friends have been extremely supportive of our path to adoption – we are so grateful! We have completed our home study and are working with Christian Adoption Consultants to connect us to agencies across the U.S. who will lead us to a match with our child and his or her birth family. So now we wait… and we so appreciate your prayers and support in this final push of fundraising and preparing for our child.

Also, we are very thankful to have been awarded $6,000 in matching grants from Christ Community Church in St. Charles, IL and Lifesong for Orphans Adoption Funds! When you choose to give financially, the first $6,000 we receive will be matched by these grants. Any money donated will go straight to adoption costs, such as: agency fees, legal fees, and airfare and hotel expenses. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

STRIPE charges an online processing fee (2.2% +.30 USD per transaction)*. Your donations will be decreased by this amount. You may also send a check payable to “Lifesong for Orphans”. In the memo line please write “Landin 10010”, to ensure it is credited to our account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 9, Gridley, IL 61744.

Lifesong has been blessed with partners who underwrite all U.S. administrative and fundraising costs (TMG Foundation and other partners). That means 100% of your donation will go directly to the adoption.

  • In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to Lifesong for Orphans. This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor’s suggested use.
  • Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Individual donations of $50 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $50 will gladly be sent upon request.
  • *3.5% fee for donations given with an American Express card
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Raised to date by 26 people
 of  $30,000
Campaign Ended

My Story

Greetings from the Landin family!

We are on the journey toward adopting a baby within the U.S. It has been a long and beautiful path so far, and we wait with great expectation for the way that God will bring us to our child. Aimee and Jeremiah are just as excited as we are, praying often for our baby and including him or her in all our plans and dreams for the future.

Even before we started dating (18 years ago!), we were both open to adoption and dreamt about welcoming a child into our family this way. Alanna had a close friend from church whose family adopted a child from China, and she was touched by the beauty of adoption. Eric’s cousin adopted a child from Vietnam when he was a child and similarly saw what a blessing this was to their family. This longing sat latent as we were blessed with our two biological children and Eric completed seminary. Adoption became a live conversation again once our son was born. His delivery was medically challenging for Alanna, yet we wanted to continue to grow our family. We waited a few more years until we were settled in our home and our community in Batavia, and we’re finally ready now. 

As we have processed this together, we recognize that our desire to adopt is about more than growing our family. We believe in love that transcends biological ties and bloodlines. We want to bring that kind of love – a love that knows no boundaries – into this world and into our family life. In addition to welcoming a child, we are also willing to enter into a relationship with his or her birth family in an open adoption arrangement. In this way, we hope to extend the agape love of God to our child’s mother, father, and/or extended family.

Our family and friends have been extremely supportive of our path to adoption – we are so grateful! We have completed our home study and are working with Christian Adoption Consultants to connect us to agencies across the U.S. who will lead us to a match with our child and his or her birth family. So now we wait… and we so appreciate your prayers and support in this final push of fundraising and preparing for our child.

Also, we are very thankful to have been awarded $6,000 in matching grants from Christ Community Church in St. Charles, IL and Lifesong for Orphans Adoption Funds! When you choose to give financially, the first $6,000 we receive will be matched by these grants. Any money donated will go straight to adoption costs, such as: agency fees, legal fees, and airfare and hotel expenses. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

STRIPE charges an online processing fee (2.2% +.30 USD per transaction)*. Your donations will be decreased by this amount. You may also send a check payable to “Lifesong for Orphans”. In the memo line please write “Landin 10010”, to ensure it is credited to our account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 9, Gridley, IL 61744.

Lifesong has been blessed with partners who underwrite all U.S. administrative and fundraising costs (TMG Foundation and other partners). That means 100% of your donation will go directly to the adoption.

  • In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to Lifesong for Orphans. This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor’s suggested use.
  • Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Individual donations of $50 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $50 will gladly be sent upon request.
  • *3.5% fee for donations given with an American Express card
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The rest of the story

February 13, 2024

Here’s the rest of the story:


On January 29th, we received word that birth mama had been in the hospital and dilated to 5 centimeters. She was progressing slowly, so she was sent home, but the baby would likely come very soon. We decided to drive back to Nashville to get set up in an Airbnb. Eric worked remotely for a couple of days, and we did the best we could to wait patiently and prepare for the baby. On February 1st, our social worker flew into Nashville as it looked like the baby would be born. Eric and I had already gone out for a celebration drink the night before at a fun speakeasy downtown. But February 1st came and went, and we didn’t hear word of any baby. We were disappointed and confused, but we had a great time getting to know our caseworker, Donna, from our adoption agency. Unfortunately, birth mama was not up for meeting with us. Donna advised us to drive home, and so, once again, we returned to Aimee and Jeremiah with no little brother.


Several days later, on February 8th, we received word from Donna that the baby had been born and that this birth mom had chosen not to continue with the adoption plan. We were not entirely surprised, and yet we were still incredibly disappointed. We had made so many plans for the next few months that included a baby – this baby, and it was so hard to try and reimagine life. Aimee and Jeremiah were really disappointed too. 


I spent the greater part of this weekend packing away all the baby items we had packed into suitcases into a bin up in the attic. The hardest part was putting away the gifts we had bought for our son and his birth family. I packed up a few little Nashville memorabilia we had bought for our son into a little box that was supposed to be for him. I used that time to say goodbye to him, a son I will never meet and never know, but one who we have come to love deeply over this last month. We will always love him, and he will forever be part of our hearts. Eric is wearing a chain and pendant we had planned on giving his birth father and I am wearing a heart locket we intended for his birth mother. In time, we hope these gifts can be given to another family, but for now, it is a sweet reminder for us to keep close to our hearts.


We have each been dealing with this loss in our own ways, and we have been extremely blessed to have supportive family and friends and an incredibly loving community around us. Thanks to those of you who have reached out already! I don’t know yet what our next steps are besides to heal, but I do have faith that though the story with our family and this child has ended, this is not the end of our adoption story. 





“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6


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Not yet…

January 25, 2024

It turns out this little boy is just not ready to come out into this world yet. He is still very little – just 36 weeks today, so we are grateful for all the days he gets to grow and develop inside his birth mama’s womb. One theme of adoption, we have learned, is “hurry up and wait.” The last five days, we have been living on a roller coaster of emotions. Birth mom has been having a lot of contractions and significant preterm labor symptoms, so there were about three points on our trip to Nashville where we thought baby boy would be born soon. Hurry up, get ready, wait... 

During the wait, we explored the city, eating at some great restaurants and listening to live music everywhere (dreamy for two music nerds)! We prayed, read books, slept, played a game, exercised, texted furiously with our adoption agency, friends, and family. We went shopping for the baby. And on our last day, we had a blast at the National African American Museum of Music downtown. There were tears and laughter and every emotion in between. The time was not wasted, and it was quite a gift to have a little “babymoon” getaway.

Aimee and Jeremiah have been handling the whole thing like champs, and we have been so blessed to have my mom drive out to be with them. Our friends here in town took them for the first 24 hours while my mom drove out here, and they had a blast with their sleepover together.

Yesterday, we were advised to drive back home until we have more definitive news that birth mom is admitted to the hospital. 9 hours later, we arrived home late at night and enjoyed hugging our kiddos when they woke up this morning.

It was a very strange feeling to leave Nashville. I felt like I was leaving a part of me behind. Even though we didn’t get to meet baby boy or birth mom, it was reassuring just to be close by and to know we could be with them at a moment’s notice.

The doctors say baby will likely come any day now, so we have kept some bags packed and are even more prepared for what is to come. We can’t believe the time is so close already! To be continued…

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On the Road!

January 19, 2024

Wow!! We received word this afternoon that birth mama is having a lot of contractions – it looks like this little boy might be coming early, even this weekend! After taking care of all the details and packing, Eric and I are on the road to Tennessee tonight! Please pray for everyone involved. We will update as we are able! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 


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Big News!

January 6, 2024

It’s been a whirlwind of a week, filled with tears, laughter, and more joy than we could ever imagine. On Wednesday, around 1pm, we had a phone call with a birth mom who had viewed our profile and was considering us to parent her child. This was the first time we had ever reached this point in the process and the excitement was palpable. We had a good conversation with this birth mother and felt confident that this could be a good fit for our family. Within a couple of hours, we received a beautiful letter from this birth mother saying, “I CHOOSE YOU!” It is official: we have been matched


Many of you know this has been a long process for us. Adoption is full of ups and downs, and in the last three years, we have experienced a lot more downs than ups. The Lord has made it clear to us that He is with us, and in this. We have had to hold onto that hope amidst a lot of heartache, fear, and anxiety. Most days, for me (Alanna), the hope has felt more like a small flicker near the end of a long tunnel. Every now and then, the hope would be as bright and beautiful as the candle burning right next to my computer as I type. My therapist reminded me at one point that hope comes in glimpses. Many of you have provided that glimpse for us throughout this journey. Thank you for being voices of encouragement and support amidst this season of waiting. Thank you for showing your support through the gift of money and through prayers and check-ins. You are all a part of this adoption story! While there may still be some unexpected expenses, we believe we have raised enough to cover the cost of this adoption. What a gift!


The waiting isn’t over, and in many ways, the journey is only beginning now! But we are here to remind you of the goodness and faithfulness of God. This story has the fingerprints of the Lord written all over it. We were faithful and diligent to complete all the paperwork and logistics that we needed to, but in the end, it was He who orchestrated this match as we sat back in faith. We will share more and more over time. 


At this point, we continue to ask for your prayers. Being matched does not equal certainty, and there is always a chance that this birth mother could decide to parent her child. We continue to take the next faithful step and trust that the Lord holds all of this in His hands. This precious baby boy is due in February, and we will be traveling to Tennessee to meet him whenever we get that call that his birth mother is in labor. Friends and grandparents are on call to be with Aimee and Jeremiah throughout this time. 


Day by day, step by step, breath by breath, we are continuing to trust.


God bless you all, and, from the bottom of our very full hearts, thank you again for your support and love!



Alanna and Eric

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Feb 11, 2024

“Happy Birthday Kirsten Lindstrom!”



Feb 3, 2024



Jan 26, 2024



Jan 25, 2024



Kady & Dylan

Jan 12, 2024

“We love you and your family!”



Jan 8, 2024

“I am so happy for you. God bless your beautiful family.”


Offline Donation

Jan 5, 2024



Aug 29, 2022

“Blessings from the Stromberg. We trust that the adoption process will be a holy process for your family as it was for us!”


Offline Donation

Aug 8, 2022


Offline Donation

Aug 5, 2022


Offline Donation

Jul 5, 2022


Offline Donation

Jul 5, 2022



Jun 28, 2022

“Looking forward to getting to know you folks better!”


Offline Donation

Jun 24, 2022



Jun 15, 2022



Jun 9, 2022

“We love you all, and we look forward to being part of Team Landin through the adoption and beyond as you live and grow as a family of five. We're with you all the way! :)”



Jun 6, 2022

“So proud of you guys and your commitment to growing your family in a way that includes others like this. We hope and pray that God blesses you with a little one that brings joy and richness to your life and ours! Can't wait to meet them! Love you guys.”


Offline Donation

Jun 1, 2022



May 24, 2022

“We are so excited for you and what God is going to do!! ♥️ Love you, The Worls”



May 21, 2022



May 21, 2022

“I wish we could give more. I'm so excited for you. Keep us updated. We will be keeping you in prayer.”



May 20, 2022



May 20, 2022

“CONGRATULATIONS and tremendous prayers!!❤️🙏🏾❤️”


Colleen & Mike

May 20, 2022

“Prayers for doors to swing wide open in God’s perfect timing!”


Greg, Lisa, Ellie, Lyds, and Ax

May 20, 2022


Offline Donation

May 11, 2022