Beginning Your Story : Communicate Clearly
- Tell your story from the beginning. Don’t write a novel, but clearly define your goal. Why are you adopting, how has God confirmed your story, how can others join you in your journey; how will the donation be used, etc?
- Don’t just share the dollars you are needing by a certain time. Donors connect with stories.
Make it Personal : Use Compelling Photos & Videos
If photos are good, video is better. Don’t think you can create a nice video to share? Find someone who can help; someone in your church or family could be willing to do this for free! This is a great way to bring in others to help tell your story and engage their family and friends with your story. The video should be short, exciting and motivate the viewer to read more about your story. Ideally, the video should be 3 minutes long or less. Don’t forget ‘the ask.’
Share Your story : Social & Email
Telling your story does nothing if people aren’t in the room.
- Share your page on Facebook, Twitter, on a personal blog, email, everywhere.
- Click the social icons on your page and you can share your page with your social circles.
Share, Update, Thank, Repeat : & Repeat
This is a busy world and stories come and go. Newsfeeds change quickly.
- Think about sharing your story at least once a week during your campaign.
- Celebrate and update each adoption milestone, unexpected large (& small donations). Thank your donors.
- Finish strong, if you are $2000 short with 1 day to go, share your need.
Wait on the Lord : Power of Prayer
mySTORY is a tool for families to use, but the LORD provides the increase. Remember to pray for your story to be funded in HIS timing.
Questions : We Are Here to Help
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